OKM 900 Moduler Patient Monitor

OKM 900 Moduler Patient Monitor
- 17-inch color TFT, touch control display
- 1280×1024 pixel high resolution
- Suitable for adult, pediatric and neonatal patient
- Up to 8 channels of waveform monitoring
- Educational demo feature
- Large numerical value and waveform selection
- Built-in back-up battery
- Wired or wireless central system connection
- Turkish and English Language support
- Fanless cooling system
Technical Information
Standard Parameters:
- Up to 12 lead ECG with extended arrhythmia analysis
- • ST segment analysis, Respiration, NIBP, SpO2, 2xHeat, 2xIBP, EtCO2
- OxyCRG, Drug-dose calculation,
- Automatic pacemaker detection feature
- USB connection sockets
Optional Parameters:
- 2xIBP, EtCO2, Multi Gas, Impedance Cardiograpghy(ICG),
- Nellcor or Masimo SpO2, Cardiac Output (CO), Thermal Recorder
- OKM-300 touchscreen multiparameter module
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