Spacelabs Xprezzon Monitor

General Features:
- 3.5 or diagnostic 12-lead ECG, Respiration, SpO2, NIBP, Temperature
- Invasive blood pressure up to 8 (expandable to 8) and cardiac output
- Up to 8 waveforms, 24 parameters
- Easy-to-view 19” display and integrated LED alarm lights (front and rear)
- Full bed review of remote bedside monitors
- Vital signs calculations
- EMR connection with ICS
- 24-hour Patient Data Service
- USB barcode scanner ready
- Optional integrated printer/recorder, capnography, multi-gas, BISx, SvO 2 and dual SpO 2 modules
- Varitrend® 4 OCRG
- Optional Exergen USB spot check thermometer
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